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 English thesaurus
ARK [ɑ:k] abbr.
abbr. Arkansas; Assets Resources And Knowledge
abbr., comp., net., IT Address Resolution Key
abbr., ed. Adults Relating To Kids; Artists Reaching Kids; Assessment Resource Kit
abbr., ed., scient. Applied Research Knowledge
abbr., el. advanced resist kinetics; attenuated total reflectance kit
abbr., fant./sci-fi. Advisors Of Rubi Ka
abbr., file.ext. Archive format (QUARK archiver Vosoni)
abbr., IT Advanced Rendering Kernel; ARC archive; Managing your Money Archive file; QUARK Compressed file archive
abbr., med. Arkonam
abbr., oil arkose
abbr., sport. Athletes Running For Kids
abbr., st.exch. Senior High Income Partners of Florida, Inc.
mil. air rescue kit
Ark. abbr.
abbr. Arkansas Reports; Arkansa; Arkansas
Ark [ɑ:k] abbr.
abbr. Arkansas
abbr., oil arkoseic
ARKS abbr.
abbr., zoot. Animal Records Keeping System (ISIS software product Aly19)